Try as we might, today, we could not get to anything we needed to. When we went to run errands we found that our car seats were not in our car. When we wanted to play outside the rain began pouring. When the rain let up a bit we stuffed ourselves into raincoats only to be met outside by a rabid skunk. In we went and gave up on the day. We built a fort, climbed inside, and talked about the best things from the last week. Here are some of my highlights:

The airshow that The Mister was kind enough to talk the little ones to, so Mama could have a vacation day.

Vintage quilt squares found at the thrift store. They cost all of twenty-nine cents.

A fabulous book also from the thrift store. It's the best of Pack-O-Fun complied from September 1962 to June 1963.
It has wonderful craft ideas like what to do with discarded window screens and great things to make from Christmas cards.

A beautiful Ikea remnant to make a Christmas present for Little Girl.
Oh, and the blueberry coffee cake that just came out of the oven. That, too.
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