Still limping through the week. Well, maybe its more of a creeping. Little Boy does a very good impression of Mama's walk this week. So, here are my positives for the day that are keeping my spirits up and will help me creep a little farther.

The zesty bread and butter pickles that our farm market carries. They have the most wonderful can goods that are all locally canned by the Amish. I wish I could justify eating all of these in one day.
Little Boy begging in the market for this cauliflower. I know I only have a fifty-fifty shot he will eat it, but pleading for vegetables is music to my ears.
Fresh, all-natural peanut butter. Need I say more.
Finally, the newest member of our household 289 Fishy. 289 Fishy swam into our lives last weekend and there has never been a more loved betta fish. Little Boy spends hours watching him and giving us updates on all fishy behaviors and movements. My goodness, when that fish swims into his tunnel it is just the neatest thing that has ever happened in this house according to Little Boy. This might be a by product of cutting cable. So, here's to our first animal addition to our family and let's hope the birds and bees aren't that far off.
please forgive the poor quality of 289 Fishy's picture. My camera just isn't capable of good aquatic photography
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